You find here below a list of items meant to describe in term of coverage the content of the available e-versions of the Nuclear Security Recommendations and the IAEA Safety Requirements for the Safe Transport of Radioactive Material SSR-6.
Contrary to the overarching requirements, the texts here are not part of the actual publication. They are provided here as a description of the content, using key words, so as to provide the users with a tool to facilitate access to the relevant parts of the publications.
Should you know the publication number, you may just scroll down until you find the suite of overall recommendations it covers and then select the one you are interested in. If you click on the title or the arrow, the text of the overall recommendation descriptive statement will be displayed below its title.
You may also use the search function to quickly find those overall recommendations that include a word or a sequence of words in their title or overall recommendation statement.
When you then click again on the icon in the box that displays the overall recommendation statement, you will be directed into the document at the place where the coverage described by that overall recommendation is addressed in the publication. From there you may further navigate within this publication or use the information available to identify other related documents.
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