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Application of the Management System for Facilities and Activities
1This Safety Guide covers the security of facilities, nuclear material and sources of radiation only to the extent that security measures for physical protection are essential to safety and the failure of such measures has consequences for safety.
2‘Senior management’ means the person who, or group of people which, directs, controls and assesses an organization at the highest level. Many different terms are used, including, for example: chief executive officer (CEO), director general, executive team, plant manager, top manager, chief regulator, site vice-president, managing director and laboratory director.
3In some Member States the individual in the most senior position appoints a full time management system manager (see para. 3.18). This management system manager may be supported by a team composed of representatives of all organizational units that meets regularly to exchange experience and good practices and to resolve any problems or difficulties that arise during the development of the management system.
4Stakeholder: interested party; concerned party. ‘Stakeholder’ means an interested party — whether a person or a company, etc. — with an interest or concern in ensuring the success of an organization, business, system, etc. To have a stake in something figuratively means to have something to gain or lose by, or to have an interest in, the turn of events. The term stakeholder is used in a broad sense to mean a person or group having an interest in the performance of an organization. Those who can influence events may effectively become interested parties — whether their ‘interest’ is regarded as ‘genuine’ or not — in the sense that their views need to be considered. Interested parties have typically included the following: customers, owners, operators, employees, suppliers, partners, trade unions, the regulated industry or professionals; scientific bodies; governmental agencies or regulators (local, regional and national) whose responsibilities may cover nuclear energy; the media; the public (individuals, community groups and interest groups); and other States, especially neighbouring States that have entered into agreements providing for an exchange of information concerning possible transboundary impacts, or States involved in the export or import of certain technologies or materials.
5‘Resources’ includes individuals, infrastructure, the working environment, information and knowledge, and suppliers, as well as material and financial resources.
6In some Member States an annual training plan is prepared that reflects the schedule of planned training courses.
Tags applicable to this publication
- Publication type:General Safety Guide
- Publication number: GS-G-3.1
- Publication year: 2006