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Human Factors Engineering in the Design of Nuclear Power Plants
1‘Human factors engineering’ is engineering in which factors that could influence human performance and that could affect safety are understood and are taken into account, especially in the design and operation of facilities.
2A ‘success path’ is a set of selected structures, systems and components that provide high confidence that a nuclear power plant will successfully reach a safe state after an accident occurs.
3A ‘mimic display’ is an arrangement on the display panel that simulates the physical layout of the plant.
4Emergency response facilities are addressed in IAEA Safety Standards Series No. GSR Part 7, Preparedness and Response for a Nuclear or Radiological Emergency [9]. For nuclear power plants, emergency response facilities (which are separate from the control room and the supplementary control room) include the technical support centre, the operational support centre and the emergency centre.
5‘Materials’ include audio recordings, video recordings, computer recordings and questionnaires.
Tags applicable to this publication
- Publication type:Specific Safety Guide
- Publication number: SSG-51
- Publication year: 2019