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Construction for Nuclear Installations
1Modifications to Nuclear Power Plants (NS-G-2.3) [4] provides guidance on the control of activities relating to modifications at nuclear power plants and deals with the intended modification of structures, systems and components, operational limits and conditions, procedures and software, and the management systems and tools for the operation of a nuclear power plant.
2Increases in non-conformances and rework are expected when new methodologies are applied for the first time.
3In some cases, there may be multiple licensees on the same site or on nearby sites.
4Where multiple jurisdictions and requirements exist, requirements or standards may not be aligned in all cases. In such cases, all applicable legal and regulatory requirements have to be met.
5An ‘intelligent customer’ capability is the capability of the organization to have a clear understanding and knowledge of the product or service being supplied. The intelligent consumer concept mainly relates to a capability required of the organization when using contractors or external expert support [30].
6The word ‘requirements’ refers to requirements not only from applicable laws and regulations, or derived from the IAEA Safety Fundamentals and Safety Requirements, but also from contractual agreements, applicable codes and standards, and any other source of requirements to which the licensee must conform.
7In practice, for an authorized facility, the operating organization is normally also the licensee [17].
8There may be a supply chain for the design in parallel to the construction supply chain.
Tags applicable to this publication
- Publication type:Specific Safety Guide
- Publication number: SSG-38
- Publication year: 2015